Tuesday, May 27, 2014

X-Men Days of Future Past-Movie Review

9/10 stars

       Hey, guys. Sorry about the gap between reviews. X-men Days of Future Past takes place way in the future, a future ruled by Sentinels and where mutants are constantly hunted and killed. Professor X and Magneto unite, and send Wolverine to back in time to correct their past mistakes. I'll just come out and say it-this movie was AWESOME. I mean, it was insanely great. Not only was the action mind-blowing (and at times hilarious) but the characters were well thought out and executed. The story does not get too convoluted in the alternate-timeline stuff, and focuses more on the actual endeavor of fixing the past. The story was well-executed, wit great twists and turns. You cared about the characters, even the villains, and you got to see a perspective from both future and past mutants. The special affects were astounding. The comedy was just right. All in all, see this NOW!

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