Wednesday, May 28, 2014

TERRIBLE MOVIES-Batman and Robin

1/10 stars

     Hi guys. I'm going to start a new thing in which I talk (and basically rant) about some of my least favorite movies. Today, I'm going to talk about Joel Shumacer's Batman and Robin. One of my favorite movies of all time is The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan. This movie is just a giant steaming ball of crap. It takes the idea of Batman with such stupidity it made me cringe. It stars George Clooney and Arnold Schwarzenegger, so you'd think there is at least some acting talent. But they are written so terribly that it just hurt to watch. And EVERY. DAMN. SCENE. Arnold Schwarzenegger has to have some stupid pun about "freezing" someone. The story is ludicrous. The acting is appalling. The puns make you cringe. The action is so unrealistic it could be filmed by a kindergartner. This movie is TERRIBLE.

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